Attention, if you have paid version of software for home usage, you can't get the free trial license. And I don't want to buy any license.
I'm going to use the UTM 9 enterprise license, which has a free trial. How can I get a free license? The license for UTM 9 Enterprise was sent by email.
Why does my license file say: "error opening file"? I have a license file named: "license.txt" I can see it on my end. When I try to upload it to my UTM I get a message saying "Error opening file". I am using the "enterprise license".
Just wish to ask, do I need to register the license using UTM webadmin or does it happen automatically. My company is a Sophos partner. I installed the UTM 9 version on my Sophos UTM 7.00.02. I cant see my license file or license active. I think it is activated but I cannot login with it. Where can I get this license file.
The license is available for any channel, and the subscription is not restricted to a specific region. Can you tell me where I can get the license file, which was sent to me by email.
In the situation when you are not allowed to use the license from your paid subscription. What is the reason for the error message?
How do I get a license to use the UTM 9 Enterprise? I have a free trial license from Sophos UTM Enterprise, but I cannot use it.
In the case of this product when is the license file found in the folder log?
License files are located in the folder log/license000000.txt. There is no log folder.
This license file is in a password protected zip file and it is not listed in the licence list. Can I import it using Web admin?
How do I get a license for UTM 9 Home Edition?
I am currently using the free trial license and it expires tonight. I cannot activate it. The Licence file cannot be found. How can I get a license for UTM 9 Home Edition?
I got an email saying that I need to activate my license. When I go to my UTM webadmin it says license activated and says my licence is valid ac619d1d87
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